Telephone Sales Techniques

Course Description

This course is aimed at staff who take incoming calls and enquiries from customers as well as those who have to make outgoing calls. Selling by telephone requires an understanding about why and how people make their decisions to buy. To positively influence others one must know about effective sales techniques and make sure that pressurising tactics are never used.

Duration: 2 days


Participants may be new to dealing with and selling to clients by phone or may have some practical experience but no or limited previous structured training.

Topics Covered

Your role and relationship with customers
Communication Skills
Questioning Techniques
The vital importance of first impressions
Making the most of enquiries
Why people buy
Opportunities for increasing business
Planning outgoing calls
Establishing customer needs
Building your case
Making appointments
Closing the call and securing business
Complaints - an opportunity to build goodwill
Practical Exercises

Sales training Communications Skills Telephone Techniques